Training with pain in CrossFit/Group Class
Working out with others can be really fun. The side convos, the jokes, pacing off of someone, and receiving support make it a worthwhile training environment.
Sometimes we use their support to push ourselves to levels we hadn’t achieved yet. It’s great until we feel something strange, odd, or alarming.
When we feel an injury or something related to an injury, we initially have a feeling of fear and dread.
Pain is subjective and relative to the individual. Some people tolerate pain better than others.
Injury is fairly objective. If you’re hurt and/or diagnosed with an injury, it’s hard to argue otherwise.
Injury Prevention:
Injuries happen, and some are not preventable. However, you can train your body in ways that create balance and move with proper technique to reduce the occurrence of injury.
Utilizing proper warm-ups, maintaining the right intensity, good sleep, nutrition, and hydration all help with reducing injury.
It is also important to have a movement assessment performed to help with knowing where you may be limited and progress you towards better movement independence.
Depending on the severity, a PT or Othro would diagnose you, if severe, you would do physical therapy or surgery.
If the severity is minor, we at Gameday Fitness would assess you and guide you through a recovery process with our one-on-one training.
Even after you finish your physical therapy, it’s important to continue to build resilience and having a coach guide you is the clearest way to go.
After a reassessment, you’ll know where you stand in terms of recovery. This brings about more confidence when you go to increase the intensity or load during your training pieces.
If you have any questions about getting out of pain, email us at